For Quotes Call: 760.431.8600

Definition of Promotional Travel
Holiday Travel of America is not a traditional travel agency. We do not call the airlines or hotels directly to book your trip. Certificate offers are always based on space availability and a first come, first served basis.
Historically, the travel industries slowest time for travel is midweek (Tuesday – Thursday). Cruise lines, hotels and airlines offer less expensive travel during the week than they do on the weekends, because they do not want to be left with empty rooms, empty cabins, or empty seats. They do not make money when they are empty. Approximately 30-45 days out, unused inventory is sold at deeply discounted rates to may different types of companies. These companies put together “packages”. We work closely with them and purchase these “packages’ in bulk. This is how we are able to offer a free trip less taxes. These are pre-designed “packages” that cannot be altered, therefore we cannot change the flights or accommodations without being charged extra. Deviations from what the certificate offers are considered a customized / upgraded trip and no longer a predesigned “package” (ie: if you want to extend your stay or upgrade your accommodations). You can customize your trip to your satisfaction and the amount you paid for your tax/port deposit will be applied towards any upgrade cost.
Example: 20 people request June 1 and we purchased 10 packages for this date. This means that the first 10 will travel on June 1 and the next 10 will move to their next requested date. If their next date is not available, new dates must be provided to process. It is always first come, first served.If is very similar to a Frequent Flyer program. Airlines will hold a predetermined amount of seats on a plane for “free” travel and when they are gone, you either select a new time or different dates. If you still only want that specific flight, then an upgrade is necessary and you have to pay for the flight. It is the same concept.
In a nutshell, with promotional travel you will travel, however you have to be patient and flexible. Sometimes it does take time and changing your dates multiple times – that is why certificates expire one year from the date of issue. We suggest to contact us approximately 45 days prior to the first requested date, preferably through email as sometimes our phone lines are quite busy and the wait can be frustrating.
For a COMPLIMENTARY evaluation of your incentive needs

Certifications and Partnerships

Holiday Travel of America
6405 El Camino Real • Carlsbad, CA 92009
PH: 760-431-8600 • Fax: 760-431-3131
Business Hours: M-F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time
REGISTERED SELLERS OF TRAVEL: CA 2013495-40 • FL 23152 • WA 601801615 • HI-TAR 5183 • NV 2004-0004 • IA 754