
For Quotes Call: 760.431.8600

Amazing Condominium Travel Certificate Inventory

Holiday Travel of America has the most extensive access to the worlds largest leisure condo supplier offering more than 4,000 resorts in 85 countries worldwide. Our unique relationship started in 2004 and has grown year after year.  Our supplier has consistently added value to the program each year by adding more resorts and dropping ones that have not kept up their promise to provide quality accommodations.

We have aptly named our condo program A Suite Week and we urge you to use it as an incentive as this program is customizable and can virtually fit any application use.

Private Label programs available including your own branded website and ASuiteWeek cards.

To view our availability, please go to

For our Business Marketing Assistance, please
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For a COMPLIMENTARY evaluation of your incentive needs

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    Certifications and Partnerships

    Holiday Travel of America
    6405 El Camino Real • Carlsbad, CA 92009
    PH: 760-431-8600 • Fax: 760-431-3131
    Business Hours: M-F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time
    REGISTERED SELLERS OF TRAVEL: CA 2013495-40 • FL 23152 • WA 601801615 • HI-TAR 5183 • NV 2004-0004 • IA 754